Invited Paper

Introduction to Effective Connectivity and Analysis Methods: Psychophysiological Interaction and Dynamic Causal Modeling


  • Yasemin Hoşgören Alıcı
  • Müge Kuzu Kumcu
  • Metehan Çiçek

Received Date: 19.01.2021 Accepted Date: 29.05.2023 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2023;76(2):84-92

The idea of treating the brain as spatially distributed but functionally connected regions that are in constant communication with each other and transport information has been on the agenda for a long time. Recent advances in technology have also shown their effects on neuroimaging methods, leading to the development of new techniques to understand brain connections. One of these techniques is effective connectivity, which explains the effect that one neuronal system exerts on another so that it can examine the causality between activated brain regions. Although it is generally used in anatomically based predictions, it is often necessary to create a model with structural parameters. After mentioning the purposes of connectivity prior to effective connectivity, dynamic causal modelling and psychophysiological modelling used for effective connectivity will be discussed in this review. It is aimed to explain basic terms and techniques for investigators that interest in neuroimaging.

Keywords: Effective Connectivity, Dynamic Causal Modelling, Psychophysiological Modelling, Neuroimaging

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