Invited Review

Determination of Alcohol from Biochemical Perspective and Its Importance in Forensic Sciences


  • Emine Firdevs Yıldırım
  • Mukaddes Gürler
  • Aslıhan Gürbüz

Received Date: 18.10.2023 Accepted Date: 23.03.2024 J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2024;77(1):1-6

Alcohol consumption is as old as human history. Crimes caused by chronic and acute alcohol use are an increasing global problem. In addition to health problems, it also causes economic and social problems. Alcohol use is an important factor in many subjects such as suicide, murder, addiction, accident, etc. which are within the scope of forensic sciences. Alcohol determination has an important place among forensic analyzes on a global scale. The aim of this review is to discuss alcohol determination and markers used in alcohol determination along with the current literature.

Keywords: Alcohol determination, ethanol, biomarker

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